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Trinity Episcopal Church, Cranford NJ
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We welcome you and others who are new to Trinity Church, Cranford. Your journey, questions, and hopes are important to us. We would be honored to come to know you better and to find ways for this Church Community to become a spiritual home for you.

Trinity is part of The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion, an apostolic church, continuing in the teachings and fellowship of the Apostles. We are united and inspired by faith in Jesus Christ and are joined in the community of over 70 million Anglicans and Episcopalians throughout the world.

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Dimanche:08:00 am - 12:00 pm

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Trinity Episcopal Church, Cranford NJ est à l'adresse suivante:

119 Forest Ave

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(908) 276-4047

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Que s'est-il passé à Trinity Episcopal Church, Cranford NJ récemment? Ici vous pouvez voir les nouvelles pertinentes:


From Bishop William Stokes; XII Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey: Dear People of the Diocese of New Jersey, But Tamar put ashes on her head, and tore the long robe that she was wearing; she put her hand on her head, and went away, crying as she went ... 2 Samuel 13:19 It was a disgraceful week in our nation's capital. The rank partisanship of our institutions of government was on gross display in the Senate Judiciary hearings of the past few days. Human beings were chewed up and spit out like contestants in the ancient Circus Maximus. The American people are now waiting for the "thumbs-up" or "thumbs-down" on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Justice. Having very little to do with the pursuit of truth or justice, the "hearings" were a charade and made clear that power is the singular concern. I won't take a public position about Judge Kavanaugh's confirmation. My doing so would not be appropriate. I do, however, agree with those of both parties who believe a fair, thorough and impartial investigation of the facts has not taken place. The process we witnessed this week re-victimized a great many people beginning with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, regardless of whether Brett Kavanaugh was her attacker or not I hope our clergy and other caring people in our congregations will be sensitive and aware that people in our congregations may feel especially vulnerable and injured this week and will respond in pastorally appropriate ways. That sexual assault is under-reported is an established fact. That our systems of addressing the crimes and hurt of this are inadequate is evident. That there continues to exist power differentials between men and women is also manifestly clear. We have a long way to go to right these wrongs. Beyond all this, we must find a way of overcoming the ugly, rank partisanship that is tearing us apart as a nation. Perhaps this can begin in our churches. I am aware that some of our congregations have taken advantage of the five-week course on Civil Discourse created by own Office of Government Relations. I encourage other churches to engage in this work. According to the Book of Common Prayer, the mission of the Church is "to restore all people to unity with God and one another in Christ" (BCP p. 855). It is the ministry of reconciliation. In truth, this is not the church's mission, it is God's mission. God in Christ commands us to take part in it. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind." This is the greatest and first commandment, Jesus said to his disciples and says to us. "And a second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets" (Matthew 22:37-40). Jesus also said, "Love your enemies; pray for those who persecute you." Love, the insistent, persistent message of love; that is our vocation as Christians. It has power to transform everything, even the troubled sin-sick soul of this nation. Blessings, peace and love in Christ, Bishop "Chip" Stokes


My Dear People of the Diocese of New Jersey, It is my sad duty to inform you of the death of the 11th Bishop of New Jersey, the Right Reverend George Edward Councell. Bishop George was transferred to hospice care at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in Hamilton this afternoon and died at approximately 6:00 PM this evening. Family and friends were with him. I had an opportunity to say prayers and anoint him, and said commendatory prayers with the family. We will communicate with the Diocese and the wider Church family about arrangements as soon as details are known. Please pray for Ruth, their daughters Martha and Sarah, and hold the Councell family in your prayers. May his soul and the souls of all the departed through the mercy of God rest in peace and rise in glory. Faithfully yours in Christ, The Right Reverend William H. Stokes 12th Bishop of New Jersey


May God bless us with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships, so that we may live deep within our hearts. May God bless us with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so that we may work for justice, freedom, and peace. May God bless us with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, hunger, and war, so that we may reach out our hands to comfort them and turn their pain into joy. And may God bless us with enough foolishness to believe that we can make a difference in this world, so that we can do what others claim cannot be done, to bring justice and kindness to all our children and the poor. Amen. --- from a Franciscan prayer referenced in Father Andy's sermon yesterday. Go to the Trinity website to hear audio from every Sunday service for the last seven years.


The Rev. Andrew David Kruger, Priest-in-Charge at his second service at Trinity, celebrating a same-sex marriage. (l-r) Allison Burns-LaGreca, seminarian at General Theological Seminary and homilist; the Rev. Clive Oscar Sang, Deacon; Fr. Andy; the Rev. Amy S Cornell of Grace-St. Paul Church, Officiant; and Tom Kaercher, Crucifer.


Valentine's Day 2017: At the wedding of Verger Tony Vitale & Bryan Johnson (l-r): Homilist (and GTS seminarian) Allison Burns-LaGreca, Deacon Clive Oscar Sang, Priest-in-Charge Rev. Andrew David Kruger (Celebrant), the Rev. Amy Cornell (Officiant) and Thomas A Kaercher (Crucifer and LEM).


A Prayer of Thomas Merton God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore, I will trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the deepest of shadows. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me alone. No, you will never leave me alone. Adapted from Thoughts in Solitude


Dear Trinity Parishioners, We are very happy to announce that Reverend Andrew David Kruger has been elected to be the next Priest-in-Charge at Trinity Episcopal Church. The Vestry unanimously approved the Discernment Committee’s recommendation of Rev. Andy, following the committee’s comprehensive prayerful search. Bishop Stokes and the diocesan staff enthusiastically support his selection. Rev. Andy is from South Africa; he was ordained an Anglican priest in November 2011. Since January 2014, he has been the Rector of the Parish of Umkomaas with Scottburgh (150 members). In 2013, he served as Assistant Priest of the Parish of St. Faith’s, Durban (1200 members). In 2011 and 2012, he was Curate at the Cathedral of St. Michael and St. George, Grahamstown (800 members). In 2008 – 2010, he was Youth Pastor in the Parish of Kirby Hilton, Hilton (250 members). He has a Masters in Theology from the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa. He is an avid student of Liturgical Renewal. He was coordinator of the Liturgical Task Team for the Diocese of Natal, and in 2013, Rev. Andy was a member of the Secretariat of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa’s Prayer Book Revision Committee. Rev. Andy has broad experience in intergenerational pastoral care, youth ministry, and parish growth. Rev. Andy can speak three languages and read four, including New Testament Greek. His wife Heather recently began her doctoral studies in Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton University. They both enjoy music and Heather plays the flute. They have a husky named Shir. Andy and Heather are very excited about joining the Trinity family. Prior to starting at Trinity, Rev. Andy will be returning to South Africa to move out of his current rectory and complete the US immigration process. We expect Rev. Andy to start at Trinity in late January or early February. Sincerely, Dave Burnett, Senior Warden Joe Bardzilowski, Junior Warden


There’s nothing hippie about my picture of Christ. The Gospels paint a picture of a very demanding, sometimes divisive love, but love it is. I accept the Old Testament as more of an action movie: blood, car chases, evacuations, a lot of special effects, seas dividing, mass murder, adultery. The children of God are running amok, wayward. Maybe that’s why they’re so relatable. But the way we would see it, those of us who are trying to figure out our Christian conundrum, is that the God of the Old Testament is like the journey from stern father to friend. When you’re a child, you need clear directions and some strict rules. But with Christ, we have access in a one-to-one relationship, for, as in the Old Testament, it was more one of worship and awe, a vertical relationship. The New Testament, on the other hand, we look across at a Jesus who looks familiar, horizontal. The combination is what makes the Cross. -- Bono


Women’s Bible Study On Thursday mornings, from 10 AM until 11:30 AM, a group of women meet in Witherington Hall Conference Room under the tutelage of Nancy Miller. In a fascinating and forgotten age, lay women shook their Church and their world. Interested? On Thursday, the first session will cover life in the Medieval world and the place of Christians in that society – and following that, the group will deal with the lives of specific women who were important for the church, beginning with Hildegard of Bingen.


Sunday, October 23: Crop Walk The walk supports Church World Services, an organization that helps feed, clothe, and shelter people who survive disasters. Trinity participates in Crop Walk with all the other churches in Cranford. Needed are walkers to walk 3 miles (it takes about an hour) and people to donate for the walkers. See Marion Nechuta.


October Fellowship Luncheon The Fellowship Luncheon in October will be held on Thursday, October 6, from 12 to 2 PM in Witherington Hall. We’ll be celebrating Halloween with a ghoulishly delicious food menu. If you didn’t come last year, you’ll just have to use your imagination, and know that we didn’t lose any diners. Our guest speakers will Carmella Libolt, NJ Executive Director, and Jennifer Dral,Community Education Liaison, of Ascend Hospice. The title of their presentation will be “What is Hospice?” Please join us for fun, learning, and fellowship. Call Susan Olszewski, Bonnie Gentesse, or Joe Bardzilowski with questions.


This Sunday: Charity Ice Cream Sale to benefit Cameroon Orphans The Outreach Committee is holding a charity ice cream sale at coffee hour after both services. Proceeds from the sale benefit The Good Shepherd Home in Cameroon that cares for orphaned children. Trinity sponsors two of the orphans, Daniella and Musuga. For more information, call Marion Nechuta.


Garrison Keillor on Episcopalians … An essay: We make fun of Episcopalians for their blandness, their excessive calm, their fear of giving offense, their lack of speed and also for their secret fondness for macaroni and cheese. But nobody sings like them. If you were to ask an audience in Des Moines, a relatively Episcopalianless place, to sing along on the chorus of “Michael Row the Boat Ashore,” they will look daggers at you as if you had asked them to strip to their underwear. But if you do this among Episcopalians, they’d smile and row that boat ashore and up on the beach! ….And down the road! Many Episcopalians are bred from childhood to sing in four-part harmony, a talent that comes from sitting on the lap of someone singing alto or tenor or bass and hearing the harmonic intervals by putting your little head against that person’s rib cage. It’s natural for Episcopalians to sing in harmony. We are too modest to be soloists, too worldly to sing in unison. When you’re singing in the key of C and you slide into the A7th and D7th chords, all two hundred of you, it’s an emotionally fulfilling moment. By our joining in harmony, we somehow promise that we will not forsake each other. I do believe this, people: Episcopalians, who love to sing in four-part harmony are the sort of people you could call up when you’re in deep distress. If you are dying, they will comfort you. If you are lonely, they’ll talk to you. And if you are hungry, they’ll give you tuna salad! Episcopalians believe in prayer, but would practically die if asked to pray out loud. Episcopalians like to sing, except when confronted with a new hymn or a hymn with more than four stanzas. Episcopalians believe their Rectors will visit them in the hospital, even if they don’t notify them that they are there. Episcopalians usually follow the official liturgy and will feel it is their way of suffering for their sins. Episcopalians believe in miracles and even expect miracles, especially during their stewardship visitation programs or when passing the plate. Episcopalians feel that applauding for their children’s choirs will not make the kids too proud and conceited. Episcopalians think that the Bible forbids them from crossing the aisle while passing the peace. Episcopalians drink coffee as if it were the Third Sacrament. Episcopalians feel guilty for not staying to clean up after their own wedding reception in the Fellowship Hall. Episcopalians are willing to pay up to one dollar for a meal at church. Episcopalians still serve Jell-O in the proper liturgical color of the season and Episcopalians believe that it is OK to poke fun at themselves and never take themselves too seriously. And finally, you know you are a Episcopalian when: -It’s 100 degrees, with 90% humidity, and you still have coffee after the service. -You hear something really funny during the sermon and smile as loudly as you can. -Donuts are a line item in the church budget, just like coffee. - When you watch a Star Wars movie and they say, “May the Force be with you,” and you respond, “and also with you.” - And lastly, it takes ten minutes to say good-bye . . . . (NOTE: Garrison Keillor attends St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church in St. Paul, Minnesota) Lexophilia is the love of words.


A fine servant of the Church ...


A very special Coffee Hour, hosted by the ECW will be held this Sunday, June 26th for our Seminarian, Allison. Best Wishes.


"We are Children of God, We are one Pulse" Sermon for Pentecost 5, Sunday June 19th, Allison Burns-Lagreca 10:00am.


Trinity's Director of Music conducts the Madrigal Choir at Trinity Church


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2017-08-09 Taize at Trinity
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